IndiaAsksWhy | Season 2 | Ep. 6 |Why do we have moles and birthmarks?

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Utsuka and Jigyasa have received a question from one of their curious listeners- Rythem Goyal! Rythem is a first-year graduate researcher at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad. Our listener wants to know why we have moles and birthmarks! Utsuka and Jigyasa have once again put on their detective hats to find the answer! 

They learned abnormal cellular behavior before birth can sometimes cause such harmless birthmarks and moles. 

They also spoke with Dr. Ramray Bhat who is a Cancer scientist at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He tells them how a delicate balance of signals keeps cells in the “right” state. He also shared about his journey from being a clinician to an interdisciplinary researcher.

We’re sure that Utuska and Jigyasa’s conversations would have made you ask questions. You can leave them on our website (, and we’ll pick them up 🙂


Curiosity Patron: Rythem Goyal

Hosts: Shweata N. Hegde and Ruchi Manglunia

Audio Editor: Indulekha MS

Poster: Ruchi Manglunia 

Advisor: Megha Kumar
