Haripriya Parthasarathy

Haripriya Parthasarathy is currently a Project Scientist at AIC-CCMB, after recently completing her PhD with Dr. Krishnan H. Harshan from CSIR-CCMB. Despite being in a virology lab, most of her PhD studies involved understanding how different signaling pathways regulating protein synthesis influence this process and one another, with no involvement with viruses whatsoever. The current pandemic allowed her to shift gears and finally get up close and personal with the virology section of her lab, after which she focussed on how an important cellular metabolic regulator influences SARS-CoV-2. In her current position, she focuses on design of mRNA-platforms for use as vaccine candidates for different infectious diseases and for therapeutic purposes. She can be reached via email id at [ mailto:harip.301@gmail.com | harip.301@gmail.com ] and and on Twitter as @HaripriyaP3

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